Grant Process

The following information is an overview of the Foundation’s grant application, grant award, and reporting process. Please review each section carefully before applying. In addition, please contact Ambry Capistrano at [email protected] to schedule a brief meeting to discuss your potential funding request.

Application Process

Before applying, check to make sure that your organization is eligible and falls within our focus areas.

Also, spend some time thinking about the right timeline for your organization to apply. Reach out to MPF staff if needed to discuss the right timeline for your organization.

Monterey Peninsula Foundation has two grant cycles each year. All organizations must choose a Home Cycle before applying and adhere to respective dates for applications and reports.

IMPORTANT: Grant Cycles have been updated, please note the following dates:

Spring Cycle 
– December 1 application deadline for an April funding decision
– Grant period for a single year grant is April 1-November 30 (8 months)
– Reports due December 1 (at the end of the grant period)

*K-12 schools (public, private and charter) and school districts must apply in the Spring Cycle. We ask that you contact the Philanthropy Office at [email protected] in advance of applying to discuss your funding request.

Fall Cycle
– June 1 application deadline for an October funding decision
– Grant period for a single year grant is October 1-May 31 (8 months)
– Reports due June 1 (at the end of the grant period)

Please note: These application and report dates will remain the same for each cycle in future years.

Only completed applications from eligible organizations will be considered for funding during their home cycle. Applicants that miss reporting and application deadlines will be asked to wait a year before applying. Strict adherence to these deadlines is critical to ensure the agency can apply for support annually.

Learn More about the Timeframe for Applying


We highly recommend that those new to the online portal review the following documents before beginning a new grant application or report:

Please see the following grant application templates:

Monterey Peninsula Foundation uses an online portal to accept grant applications and reports:

  • Grants Online Portal Log-In
    • Public K-12 schools should select the Public K-12 Application and all other organizations (including charter and private schools, and school districts) should select the General Grant Application.

Applicants should make every effort to ensure their application includes all financial, budget, and other attachments required in our online application process. If an application is received incomplete, it may be denied.

If you have questions concerning the application or require support for the online portal, please contact us at [email protected] or 831.649.1533 for assistance.

How Applications are Reviewed

We are committed to keeping applicants informed throughout the grant application process and make every effort to let you know where you are in the process. We strive to review and evaluate grant applications as quickly as possible.

Foundation staff will respond by email to the primary contact listed on the grant application concerning additional materials or updates on the application. Once staff review and evaluate your application, your application will be either moved forward for grant committee consideration or declined.  In cases where the application is considered very incomplete, not competitive, or ineligible for support, staff may decline the request, without being reviewed by the Grant Committee. Organizations that receive a denial must wait one year until submitting a new application.

If your organization does not hear from us within two months of submission, please email [email protected].

Additional Grant Cycle Information

Your application MUST be submitted on the deadline of your selected home cycle, which are a strategic choice made by the agency applying.

We do not allow agencies to switch cycles once they have made their strategic choice. If there are issues with the cycle choice, please contact us at [email protected] or 831-649-1533.

Missed Home Cycle deadlines will result in your agency waiting a year for the next Home Cycle application deadline.

If our staff determine that the application is incomplete, we will respond by email to the primary contact listed on the grant application, with a checklist of needed materials.

Please see the following grant application templates:

Make sure to add [email protected] to your approved emails list to ensure important emails generated from our portal do not go to spam/junk.

If you have questions concerning your incomplete application, please us at
[email protected] or 831.649.1533 for assistance.

We may conduct a site visit to learn more about your organization. While we cannot visit all applicant organizations that apply, we are committed to visiting as many as possible.

Our Grant Committee members are committed to accompanying staff on site visits as part of their volunteer service. Site visits are designed to help us understand the work of the organization in greater detail and to allow for a two-way conversation between funder and nonprofit.

Please note that a site visit does not guarantee funding.

Grant Award and Reporting

If a grant application is approved by the Grant Committee and Board of Directors for funding, an award email outlining the terms and conditions of the grant will be sent to the primary contact within a week of the funding decision.

If a grant application is declined, an email will be sent to the primary contact within a week of the Board meeting with staff available for a follow-up call. Organizations that receive a denial must wait a year until submitting a new application.

Grantees must use the funds awarded for the specific purpose outlined in the proposal, submitted budgets and award email. Any requests for changes in use of funds must be submitted in writing (email is preferred) and in turn, receive written approval from the Foundation. Funds not used in the manner specified in the proposal, submitted budgets and award email must be returned to the Foundation.

Grantees are required to complete a grant report through the online portal, for all grants previously awarded by their listed due date (from the award email) and before a new grant application will be considered. Home Cycle deadlines include a consistent reporting date. Missing this date is likely to cause your agency to miss the Home Cycle application deadline.

Monterey Peninsula Foundation requires all grantees to complete reports for active (open) grants. Reporting requirements for matching or multi-year grants will be noted on the award email.

The online reporting system has two main components:

Narrative Section – This section consists of the following questions:

What were the actual outcomes? What did your agency learn? How did your agency respond? How many constituents were served?

Financial Documents – This section requires you submit a budget to actual comparison: the budget that reflects the original request and the actual income and expenditures.

– The most common error in reporting is that agencies do not submit a budget to actual comparison based on the original request (including income and expenses).

Please see Grant Reporting Guide for reporting requirements and a sample budget format. This format is not required, but many agencies have found it helpful.

Grantees should make every effort to ensure their reports includes all financial attachments required in the reporting process. If a report is received incomplete, it may delay future application review or payment of multi-year award.

If you have not fully expended all MPF Funds by the report deadline, you must provide a written request for an extension via email. Extensions are approved on a case-by-case basis. Please send all extension requests to Nancy Enterline, VP of Philanthropy, at [email protected].

You cannot apply for a new grant without completing the report on a previous award. If you have a current grant with Monterey Peninsula Foundation, your report deadlines may be shifted to accommodate the new cycle deadlines.

To make deadlines for requirements clearer, each Home Cycle has a consistent reporting deadline each year: Spring Cycle – December 1 and Fall Cycle – June 1. In most instances the grant term for a one-year grant is 8 months. Please plan accordingly.

Please email [email protected] if you have concerns regarding the new deadlines or the impact on your reporting requirements.

If you have questions concerning the reporting process, please contact:
Ambry Capistrano
Philanthropy Program Manager
[email protected] or 831.649.1533 for assistance.

TIP: Make sure to add [email protected] to your approved emails list to ensure important emails generated from our portal do not go to spam/junk.

For Applicants

Need Assistance?

Application Process

For questions about the Online Portal or the application process, contact:

[email protected] or 831.649.1533.

Eligibility & Reporting

For guidance on whether a request would be eligible for support or questions about the status of your report, contact:

Ambry Capistrano
Philanthropy Program Manager at
[email protected] or 831.649.1533.

Community Initiatives

For questions regarding giving strategies or community initiatives, contact:

Nancy Enterline
Vice President of Philanthropy at
[email protected] or 831.649.1533.